www.wiltz.at > Bottle Cap Collection > Bottle Caps (Non Beer)


Bottle Caps (Non Beer)

10955 bottle caps from 145 countries

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Please select a country to go to the first bottle cap of this country
or start browsing at the first bottle caps page

upd Unknown (143) Albania (7) Algeria (11) Angola (1)
upd Argentinia (141) upd Armenia (6) upd Australia (51) upd Austria (699)
Azerbaijan (11) Barbados (2) upd Belgium (297) Belize (3)
Benin (6) upd Bolivia (16) upd Bosnia-Herzegowina (7) upd Brasil (71)
upd Bulgaria (102) Burkina Faso (5) upd Burma (23) Burundi (1)
Byelorussia (1) upd Cambodia (5) Cameroon (17) upd Canada (63)
Capo Verde (3) Central African Republic (1) Chad (4) upd Chile (28)
upd China (55) upd Columbia (51) Costa Rica (21) Croatia (20)
Cuba (1) Cyprus (1) upd Czech Republic (410) Dem. Rep. of the Congo (1)
upd Denmark (347) Dominica (8) upd Dominican Republic (19) upd Ecuador (72)
upd Egypt (39) upd Estonia (9) Ethiopia (14) upd Fiji (1)
upd Finland (114) upd France (166) Gabon (1) Gambia (7)
Georgia (12) upd Germany (1113) Ghana (25) upd Greece (279)
Guatemala (1) upd Guinea (10) Honduras (6) upd Hungary (86)
upd India (61) upd Indonesia (73) Iran (3) Iraq (8)
Ireland (19) Israel (14) upd Italy (1865) Jamaica (7)
Japan (8) upd Jordan (3) Kazachstan (2) upd Kenya (30)
Laos (1) Latvia (2) Lebanon (3) Liberia (4)
Lithuania (8) Luxemburg (6) Lybia (1) Macedonia (4)
Madagascar (5) Malawi (1) upd Malaysia (6) upd Maledives (5)
Mali (7) upd Malta (53) Mauretania (2) Mauritius (2)
upd Mexico (197) Moldavia (4) Mongolia (11) upd Morocco (24)
Nepal (7) upd Netherlands (244) upd New Zealand (14) upd Nigeria (8)
upd Norway (16) upd Pakistan (18) Panama (1) Paraguay (2)
upd Peru (24) upd Philippines (41) upd Poland (298) upd Portugal (122)
Puerto Rico (2) Reunion (2) upd Romania (85) upd Russia (183)
Rwanda (6) Saint Lucia (1) Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (1) Samoa (8)
upd Saudi Arabian (2) Senegal (8) upd Serbia (12) Seychelles (3)
upd Sierra Leone (4) upd Singapore (3) Slovakia (46) upd Slovenia (29)
Solomon Islands (4) upd South Africa (16) upd South Korea (37) upd Spain (711)
upd Sri Lanka (58) Sudan (3) Surinam (1) upd Sweden (203)
upd Switzerland (128) Syria (1) new Taiwan (2) Tanzania (7)
upd Thailand (209) upd Togo (15) Trinidad & Tobago (1) upd Tunesia (36)
upd Turkey (122) upd Uganda (33) upd Ukraine (67) United Arab Emirates (1)
upd United Kingdom (221) upd Uruguay (26) upd USA (716) upd Uzbekistan (2)
Venezuela (29) upd Vietnam (49) Yemen (2) new Zambia (11)
Zimbabwe (1)


Last Change: 13.06.2024